Who are we?

Bread of Life International Worship Center is one of the fastest-growing multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-generational, churches with both physical and digital campuses. Bread of Life International Worship Center began as a prayer group on January 3 2005 with just four people. God had called Pastors Rudy and Latoya Moseley to pray for one year before starting the ministry.  During that year the prayer group grew to about 15-20 people. Prayer continues to be one of the pillars of the ministry. Bread of Life International Worship Center is a daughter church of Providence Assembly of God. BOLIWC had its installation service at Providence Assembly of God March 27th 2006 and its first public worship service on March 29th 2006 at the Vartan Gregorian Elementary School on the East Side of Providence.  Since that time the church has continues to grow with many ministries to serve the Body of Christ. 

God is good.

Bread of Life International Worship Center exists

To create a place and a space to experience God and to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth In other words our purpose is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the world, to be used by God to win the lost to Him, and to train leaders to impact their world for Christ.

We envision a church where

People love God with all of their heart, mind, body, soul and strength who worship passionately both in and out of the House.

People genuinely and sincerely love each other as themselves and show it in real ways.

The Holy Spirit is the Lead Instructor.

People from every tongue, tribe, people and language in our community are represented.

You experience the joy of knowing your purpose and living it.

No one has to experience the pain of divorce.

Leaders with strong character, skill, and integrity win in business, government, arts and entertainment, media, family, ministry, and education.

The youth discover their purpose and are equipped to fulfill their destiny.

Ministers are trained to impact their world for the Kingdom of God.

Other churches are given birth to….

Where are we going –

our vision- every member a leader

The vision for Bread of Life International Worship Center is to become the trusted global agency in helping people discover and become who God intended for them to be while providing a place and the space to serve in order to fulfill that purpose.

Our highest aspiration

Is to see lives redeemed, restored, released so that they can fulfill their God-ordained destiny in the world.

We value What God values.

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